Ever since Standard General Calgary (SGC) began operation, it has been a part of the growth story of Western Canada, and has been involved in the construction of airports, railway terminals, regional highways and much of the City of Calgary. This included residential sub-divisions, lake communities, golf courses, as well as commercial & industrial developments. Because SGC celebrated over 80 years of history, our list of key projects that defines our city is much larger than our memories. Here are some recent SGC projects that will soon service our communities:

Southwest Calgary Ring Road
The project entails 31 km of 6-8-lane road, 14 interchanges, 47 bridges and 1 tunnel. SG is responsible for producing and laying down 1,000,000 tons of hot mix and about 10,000 cubic meters of concrete. First Completion Milestone is October 2021.

Marda Loop Main Street Project
Working as Prime Contractor for the City of Calgary, Standard General Calgary has engaged with several Subcontractors to complete the reconstruction of 33 Avenue SW and 34 Avenue SW. This elaborate Project includes varying levels of underground removals, as well as reconstruction of pedestrian walkways and roadworks. Hardscapes and streetscapes are the primary focus of this two-year project and involves significant collaboration and scheduling.

Stoney Trail Interchange Upgrades (Harvest Hills Boulevard & Shaganappi Trail NE)
As a subcontractor to Graham Infrastructure, we are tasked with completing the underground installation and road network for two new bridges at respective locations over Stoney Trail. These additions include twinning of existing bridges to service the tremendous growth to the north.

Stoney Trail & 11 Street NE Interchange Construction
Subcontracted to PCL, this project entails storm installation and roadwork for the construction of a brand new overpass at this location, including new ramps and 11 Street re-alignment within the Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC) limit.

Town of Cochrane Highway 1A Improvements
Twinning of Highway 1A through Downtown Cochrane and widening of Centre Avenue in advance for a future interchange in coming seasons. This project including removals, deep underground utilities, shallow utilities, concrete works, roadway base and asphalt, as well as asphalt pathway.

52 Street East Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project
Hot on the heel from completing BRT projects on 17Ave SE and 14St SW, this is another exciting addition to the Calgary BRT network. Spanning the length of the city from the North to the South, this project consists of multiple work areas to construct dedicated bus lanes and to improve intersections.