Standard General Inc. (SG) is proud to provide road construction services and material supply to our clients in the greater Calgary area.
At SG, we are made up of various divisions which contribute to the overall success of our projects. We are the only contractor in Calgary that encompasses all aspects of road construction. Our products and services include:

Deep Utilities Division (Underground)
All aspects of sewer and water construction, in municipal, commercial, and subdivision developments. Services includes:
- Large deep utility installation
- Sanitary, storm and water lines
- Feeder and force mains
- Trunk lines
- Conduits
- Hydrostatic testing
Latest innovation: Pumping Challenge

Road Building Division
Our services include all aspects of road and highway construction, pathways, entranceways, parking lots, airports, and rail terminals. The process starts with base prep, followed by installation of catch basin & shallow utilities, and completed with the laying down of gravel and hot/warm asphalt mixes.
Latest innovation: Using IRI Truck

Concrete Division
Placing thousands of cubic meters of ready mix, we understand what is required to prepare our sites for sidewalks, concrete barriers, and curb & gutter. Concrete products are available: Broom finished, coloured, stamped, trowel finished, and exposed aggregate concrete.
Latest innovation: String-less Extruding

Asphalt Manufacturing Division
SG manufactures and provides various aggregate and asphalt. With 3 asphalt plants in Calgary, we produce products that provide solutions to meet the needs of our clients and demanding projects. By having an in-house quality control system, we ensure the performance and durability of our mix for each project.
Latest innovation: Introducing EcoMac – high RAP content asphalt base mix that is environmentally friendly

SALOC Infrastructure Renewal Trenchless Technology
Last but not least, SALOC Infrastructure Renewal Trenchless Technology for trenchless pipe repair and structure renewal. This division offers slip lining & coating system for any aging assets.
Latest offering: